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Expertise offered includes systems commissioning and control maintenance
H.V. circuit breakers (eg; Siemens, ASEA, Merlin Gerin).
H.V. switchgear manual and remote control.
H.V. transformers (Hackbridge, GEC, Tyree, ASEA).
Data acquisition and control systems.
Parallel transformer control.
High delivery battery charging systems.
Boiler analog control systems.
Boiler flame scan control systems.
Boiler and turbine computer point scanning.
Boiler ignition systems.
Pulverised fuel control systems.
Plant instrumentation and control system interface.
Services offered include the commissioning and maintenance of protection schemes which safeguard:-
Power Generators.
Power station Auxiliary Switchboards
H.V. Power Transformers.
H.V Power Transmission Lines.
H.V. Substation and Load Switching Equipment.
H.V., M.V., L.V., AC Motor Protection Schemes.
Disturbance Recorders and Analysers.